Membership Class
Are you interested in learning more about the history of Hope and what church membership looks like? Join us for our next Membership Matters class on Friday, March 21, from 6:30-9 PM.
Register here
Are you interested in learning more about the history of Hope and what church membership looks like? Join us for our next Membership Matters class on Friday, March 21, from 6:30-9 PM.
Register here
We invite undergraduate students to join us for dinner at Pastor Curtis' home on Sunday, February 23 at 6 PM. Rides will be provided.
Join us Sunday, December 3 at 6:00pm as we remember the story of the Incarnation and sing together. Consider inviting a neighbor or colleague to this special evening of music.
Join us for our annual Christmas Tree Giveaway on Saturday, December 2, from 9 a.m. to noon at 16 Beech St. in Cambridge. For our neighbors in Cambridge and Somerville, register here to receive your free Christmas tree.
Join us for our upcoming Fall Retreat at beautiful Camp Brookwoods in Alton, NH! We will have large group teaching, small groups, and time alone with God. Registration is available on the event page.
Enjoy a time of food and fellowship at our churchwide brunch and lunch on Sunday, Sept. 10. Join us outside the church after both the 9:00 and 11:00 services.
Join us for our First Sunday evening gathering where we’ll pray and sing together, hear a short message, and share a meal.
A four-week equipping class for anyone wanting to learn or review the basic framework of Scripture.
Join us for our First Sunday evening gathering where we’ll pray and sing together, hear a short message, and share a meal.
You’re invited to our free Adventure Week kids camp! Play your way through board games and video games and learn about Jesus’ love for you.
Ages 3-14
For up-to-date registration information, subscribe to our newsletter!
Join us for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship as we enjoy some cook-out favorites and hear a teaching from one of our ladies! Register here to attend and bring a dish.
Join us for an evening of food, fun, and fellowship as we enjoy some cook-out favorites and hear a teaching from one of our guys! Register here to attend and bring a dish.
Join us for our First Sunday evening gathering where we’ll pray and sing together, hear a short message, and share a meal.
Join us for our annual block party at Raymond Park! (Postponed to July 1)
Join us for our First Sunday evening gathering where we’ll pray and sing together, hear a short message, and share a meal.
Have you recently had a baby? Is your family new to Hope? Join us for our Parent and Child Dedication during both services, on May 14.
During this time our congregation will pray for parents and their children. The parents and church will take vows in what we commit to do in the lives of our children. If you are interested in participating, email Kristen.
Join us for our First Sunday evening gathering where we’ll pray and sing together, hear a short message, and share a meal.
Join us as we get away for a night to Toah Nipi Retreat Center in NH for time alone, in small groups and teaching times from Colossians 3. Register here.
Join us for a seminar with Beacon Community Church and Trinity Church of Bedford to equip and encourage parents in their role of raising and discipling their children. Chap Bettis - an author, speaker, parent, and former pastor - will facilitate the seminar. It will be held in Beacon's auditorium on Saturday, April 29th from 8:30 am-2:00 pm. Register here.
Join us for the next installment of our annual art gallery, The Art of Hope, titled "in the image.”
Join us for a meal following both the 9:00 and 11:00 service.
Join us for our Easter Sunday services at 9:00 and 11:00.
Join us on Saturday, April 8 at 10:00 for our annual Easter Egg Hunt at Raymond Park. This free event is a great one to invite friends and family to.
Join men from area churches for a time of fellowship and teaching from Jared C. Wilson. Register here.
We will have one service on Christmas Day at 11:00.
We will have one service on Christmas Day at 11:00.
We will have our Christmas Eve service on 12/24 at 4:00 pm.
Are you new to Hope or to the Boston area? Join us after the 9:00 and 11:00 services on 12/4 for a Connecting Brunch and Lunch. This is a great opportunity with others who are new to the community.
Join us Sunday, December 4 at 5:00 pm. as we remember the story of the Incarnation and sing together. Consider inviting a neighbor or colleague to this special evening of music.
Sunday Mornings
at 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
16 Beech Street, Cambridge, MA 02140