In addition to meeting corporately on Sunday mornings, Hope Fellowship also meets in various locations throughout the greater Boston area. The gospel calls us to “life together” following Christ. At Hope, community groups are the main way we experience this life together in Christ.

Community Groups at Hope meet weekly to eat together, fellowship, and connect through the sharing of their lives, reflect more deeply on the Scripture preached the previous Sunday, and pray together for each person’s individual needs, for the city, our church body, and the global Church.

This time together becomes an anchor in our week. When we have the encouragement and support of a committed group of faithful Christ followers, we are grounded to engage other people and areas of our life with grace, prayerfulness, hope, faith, and love.

Take a look at the map of our Spring Community Groups below and find one near you. Then, fill out the simple form and our CG leaders will be in touch with more details. For questions, e-mail Mike Brooks.